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Girl in Classroom
Students Taking Exams
Full set of mock exams with detailed report - £145

Why Take a Mock Test?

Improve exam techniques with expert guidance, reduce anxiety before the real thing.

About our Mock Test

Our mock tests will familiarise children with the procedure and structure of exam day. They are given a candidate number, as they will be on the day, and the mocks are done in timed test conditions. This gives children a good idea of what to expect at the “real thing.” It also helps children to gain an understanding of how to work within a time limit and can flag issues that are not apparent during home revision or tuition sessions (eg. do they panic if they get stuck, whether they get distracted during testing, if they understand the wording of exam questions etc).

Your child's detailed report

After your child has completed the mocks, you will receive a fully detailed report, identifying not only your child’s score but the question types they still need to work on, their score as well as the average score from the test, where they are in relation to where they need to be by exam day and comments from Emily and Mags about how they found the test process. We have written several different Mock Tests so that children can have more than one chance at practising these exam skills. These can be attended in future, even if your child has not attended the preceding course.

Skills covered in an Mock Test

English (Comprehension) English (Writing) Creative Comprehension Mathematics Verbal Reasoning Non-Verbal Reasoning

11+ Mock Test

Helps children understand time management skills

Enhances exam readiness and confidence

Mock tests replicate exam day procedures and structure

Full set of mock exams with detailed report

11+ Intensive Course

100% success rate for getting children into their chosen schools

Dedicated tutors with proven track records

Individualised attention for each student

3 day course

£595 per child
Modern Classroom
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