St Christopher, Letchworth
St Chris Junior School, for children aged 3 to 11, is comprised of a Nursery, a Reception class, and Years 1 to 6.
The Junior School is a special place. We are proud of our children’s academic progress, their confidence, their love of learning, their care for themselves and each other and their insatiable capacity for fun.
Two Nursery classes (Half Monte for children from the term they turn three, Top Monte the following year), a Reception class and Years 1 to 6 are located in our dedicated Junior School building.
There is one class in each year until Year 5, where the year divides into two. Small classes are supported by a teaching assistant in each year group and class sizes are around 20.
The teaching and learning provision is embedded with an ethos of unconditional positive regard that sees teachers respond to children with kindness and authenticity, providing children with the opportunities to flourish.
The Senior School begins at Year 7 and continues to Year 11, crucial years in the journey from childhood to adulthood, with children progressing on to the St Chris Sixth Form.
Senior School is a journey to independence, and the transition is an exciting time.
For some, it can also be a little bit daunting, but at St Chris we have a team of highly skilled and experienced teachers ready to help and ensure that it is an enjoyable, successful and rewarding experience for everyone.
We provide a close-knit, supportive environment that creates a rich and rewarding educational experience. All within the School are called by their first names and there is no uniform. This helps to build relationships based on trust, mutual respect and co-operation.
The Senior School produces excellent results at GCSE, together with a wide range of opportunities to develop as an individual.
We are determined that pupils should choose courses that appeal to them; that they will do well in and that will enable them to move forward in the way that they would like to.
Good work habits and routines developed by students early in their Senior School life stay with them, and help pupils to flourish and make the most of their time at St Chris all the way to Sixth Form and beyond.
Pupils are strongly encouraged to get involved in activities outside of the classroom in order to develop their interests, broaden their horizons and tackle new challenges.
There are many opportunities during the school week and at weekends to take part in extracurricular activities.
Each pupil is placed in a small Company group of boys and girls, with an Adviser who has responsibility for maintaining an overview of their wellbeing and general progress at school.
The Adviser will quickly get to know your child should be your first point of contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Year 1-4
Taster Day (half a day in Year 1, a full day in Years 2 to 4) where they will join their age-appropriate class for the day. Pupils will complete age-appropriate benchmarking assessments in English and mathematics.
Year 5-6 Assesses
Taster Day where they will join their age–appropriate class for the day. Children also undertake an online Cognitive Ability Test (CAT) as a bench-marking assessment.
11+ Assesses
CAT and Interview
Admissions contact
(0) 1462 650947
Junior School - lucy.coddington@stchris.co.uk
Senior School - sarah.davis@stchris.co.uk
Boys / Co-Ed / Girls
Boarding and Day School
Age range
3-18 years
Type of exam
Non- Selective