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Reading Books in Library
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St Christopher’s

Our school is a home: it is a place for girls to flourish and thrive, to discover their sense of self, their heart, their voice.
At St Christopher’s, we teach our pupils to be heard, to be seen, and to be respected; we invest in the young people they will become. Creativity and curiosity are at the heart of our ethos: we give children the time to enjoy their childhood, to think and to grow.

They enjoy understanding and questioning the world around them, and they become ambitious. They learn to create a safe space around them in which they can be bold, explore freely and take risks, while developing a powerful public voice.  When they leave us, they take that safe space with them, to occupy and defend, and to share generously with others.
Visitors often comment on the positive energy that runs through the school. Moving silently in single file only ever happens during fire drills; our corridors are full of laughter and joy, music and chatter.

Places Available at 4+

Admissions contact

020 7435 1521

Boys / Co-Ed / Girls

Girls Day School

Age range

4-11 years

Type of exam

4+ and 5+
Play- based assessment with a member of the senior leadership team to assess their readiness for school.

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