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Wallington High School for Girls

Wallington High School for Girls (WHSG) is a selective academy for approximately 1500 girls aged between 11 and 18.  The school first opened in 1888 and moved to its present site in 1965.  The school is heavily oversubscribed and we have over 4000 applications each year for the 210 places in Year 7, and many external students also apply for our sixth form. We are a multicultural community with over 47 different first languages are spoken and this brings a rich diversity to our school.

From September 2015, the school has become part of the Girls' LearningTrust.  This is a multi-academy trust that now includes Nonsuch High School for Girls and Carshalton High School for Girls and further details can be found under the GLT section of this website.

Our students achieve at the highest level academically.  In 2022, 91% of our GCSE entries were awarded an 7,8 or 9 grade, with just over half of all grades awarded being a grade 9.  At A level, 66% of our entries were awarded an A*/A grade, 33% of those at A*.  The vast majority of our students move from WHSG into higher education including Oxford and Cambridge and with the majority of students gaining places at Russell Group universities or medical schools.  Our students are highly able, motivated and a delight to teach.  Students enjoy positive and co-operative relationships with staff and it is very rare if an external visitor to the school does not comment on the high calibre of the students.

The school has seven forms of entry in Years 7 to 11. We have a thriving sixth form with about two hundred and fifty girls in each of Year 12 and 13. We currently run a three-year KS3 and KS3 students study two modern foreign languages alongside the other national curriculum subjects.  At KS4, students study for ten GCSEs, including a Modern Foreign Language, at least one Humanities subjects and two subjects that they choose from a wide range of options.

The vast majority of our students continue into the sixth form at WHSG where they can choose from a wide range of A level subjects.  In Year 12, alongside their A levels, students take part in our elective programme which includes the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) as well as a wellbeing programme.

Students at the school are supported through a strong pastoral system enjoy a comprehensive programme of PSHE and Citizenship throughout the school.  We encourage our students to be active and responsible citizens through a variety of charitable and community activities. The school also operates a very successful House system, led by student House Leaders which encourages integration between the year groups and provides leadership opportunities for students.  Similarly, a strong Head Girl and Senior Prefect team and School Council ensure that the student body has a voice within the school and that younger students are supported.

Outside of the classroom we are fortunate in having staff who provide a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for students and this is central to our ethos.    Sport plays an important part in the life of the school and we are successful at national and regional level in a number of sports including Tennis and Badminton.  Similarly, we have many opportunities for students to showcase and develop their talents in Music, Drama and the Arts.  We enjoy a successful Combined Cadet Force (CCF) partnership with Wilson’s School which is very popular with girls in Year 9 and above and an equally successful Duke of Edinburgh scheme. Our commitment to this ethos is reflected in our curriculum provision where a number of enrichment days are set aside, the timetable suspended, and students take part in a number of activities and events that allow them to develop and prepare for life beyond the school.

Staff are our most valued asset and we aim to support them both in their current roles and to develop them for their future careers.  Working alongside the teaching staff, we have a skilled support staff team who perform vital roles within the school.  Continued professional development plays an important role in ensuring that the quality of teaching is very high in the school.   

WHSG has a very supportive local Governing Body who play a vital role in the life of the school.  We also enjoy supportive and committed parents who work alongside the school to improve outcomes for their daughters.

11+ Assesses
Stage 1 - Selective Eligibility Test (SET)
Stage 2 - Nonsuch and Wallington Second Stage Entrance Examination (NWSSEE)

Admissions contact
Boys / Co-Ed / Girls


Age range

11-18 years

Type of exam

2 Stage Assessment
Stage 1: SET test (selective eligibility test)
Stage 2:
School’s own assessment
Written assessment in Maths and English
Conditional on GCSE results

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